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Tony H
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realmrazer.dec - Page 2 Empty Re: realmrazer.dec

Post  tulsatrey Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:16 pm

I'll try a few different cards in place of Sarkhan. I guess I'll give Naya Charm a shot.

I like Fulminator Mage though. Is Finks better here?

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realmrazer.dec - Page 2 Empty Re: realmrazer.dec

Post  aceben3 Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:21 pm

Depends. Are you an LD deck or not? I'd rather not be, so I say yes.

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realmrazer.dec - Page 2 Empty Re: realmrazer.dec

Post  bigwillbigwill Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:24 pm

you say you want the most focused deck possible but you play the cards you have wood for over better choices. all the reasons you want manamorphose aside there are better choices out there. you know it, i know it, ben knows it, even the homeless man dressed as santa knows it. moonhold would be better suited as a sideboard card. sarkan vol is not right for this deck at all.

so even in your own deck which i assume you think is focused game one has 10 chaff cards. if you were then to look into replacing them your first step would be to up the better cards in your deck that can be upped.
+1 realm razer
+1 fulminator mage
+1-2 oblivion ring
-1 ajani i just think that having one out and another in hand that just sits there would happen a lot.
so there you have 7-8 open slots. from here you try to help the decks bad matchups. i.e. kithkin, faeries, and RDW.
removal is great against the first two. and life gain against the last. you ideally want between 8-12 removal spells in this deck. and there is just no room for that. yet. so that brings me to my next point.

fulminator mage is a sideboard card at best for this deck. it is trash against the the three worst matchups for this deck. and only does minimal damage to the blue based control strategies. with that moved out of the main you have room to help make this deck better against the bad matchups. thus increasing your ability to win with it. therefore making it better.

with the 11-12 spots you have remaining you can insert 7-8 more removal spells. i have chosen naya charm and magma spray. i chose the charm because it is more functional lash out. the abiltiy to regrow a card comes into play more often than you could imagine. magma spray is better against fringe decks like the mirror, elementals and decks that recur low toughness guys.

you may want to choose cards like shock or tarfire for the abilty to go to the dome. kassem recomended the incendiary command. havent tried it so i wouldnt know how well it would do.

next you will want 3-4 life gain spells. the best ones in type 2 are finks and primal command. i like finks over the command because its a three drop so it fits into your curve poperly. but you will have your own thoughts

these are just my thoughts on the deck you will most likely disagree because as always im worng when it comes to deck building advise and magic related things in general.

onto your comments.

"I don't think magma spray is good enough against enough decks to warrant a spot main."

play shock or condemn then but you need a one drop removal spell badly.

"Like spray, it can't burn players. Tapping down your opponents guys is not all that important here. You can't really use it to bring back Realm Razer in a timely fashion, since your lands come back tapped when he dies and Naya Charm + Realm Razer costs 9 mana."

most burn in burn decks targe creatures. thats why it is classified as removal. the point of it is not to bring back a realm razer but to regrow a creature like thoctar and then win the game with it after casting realm razer as to avoid things like your opponent condeming you razer because you had to attack with it since it was your only real threat in play. the card is better than just another burn spell because it is so versatile.

finks > moonhold/manamorphose enough said.


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realmrazer.dec - Page 2 Empty Re: realmrazer.dec

Post  aceben3 Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:35 pm

bigwillbigwill wrote:the decks bad matchups. i.e. kithkin, faeries, and RDW
aka "the current tier 1"

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realmrazer.dec - Page 2 Empty Re: realmrazer.dec

Post  tulsatrey Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:10 am

Okay, so I agree about relegating Fulminator Mage to the board. With Sarkhan out of the picture, that frees up four slots. I think you have pretty much sold me on Naya Charm here.

I don't really see Manamorphose as taking up a slot here. I've already talked about why I like this card elsewhere. It allows me to play a virtual 56-card deck, and fixes mana for my three-drops or filters green for Figure, if I need it.

you play the cards you have wood for over better choices.

I already talked about Manamorphose, so I guess I will say this about Moonhold: It is a terrible card, but it is good for this deck. It gives me the time I need against Kithkin. It provides an extra turn when I most need it against multi-color control in game one. Moonhold is an awful card in general, but it helps win games in this deck.

I am not above playing a card others consider bad if I feel it is going to be really good in a specific deck.

@Ben: I never really considered this deck to be LD, but rather temporary mana denial. I tried to make a decent LD deck a while back, and couldn't find enough good cards for it.

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